Making Theatre: The Frazzled Drama Teacher's Guide to Devising by Joss Bennathan

Making Theatre: The Frazzled Drama Teacher's Guide to Devising by Joss Bennathan

200 Plays for GCSE and A-Level Performance: A Drama Teacher's Guide by Jason Hanlan


Struggling to choose the right play text for your GCSE or A-Level groups?  Wondering about the next text to ignite their imaginations as well as ensuring you're hitting all the exam requirements?  Too many play texts to choose from?  Then this is the book for you!

Written specifically for Drama teachers, this is an easy-to-use guide to finding and staging the best performance texts for students aged 15-18, of differing abilities.  200 plays are suggested within this book - definitely a valuable book you will use again and again.


As well as suggesting 200 excellent text choices, this book provides outlines of the play texts and suggests ways in which you might make a selection, as well as ways to realise the performance in lessons.  Suggestions include a range of varying playwrights, styles and topics, accounting for all abilities and ages within secondary school drama classes. 

The book is split in to two sections: Part 1 explains how you can get the most use out of this resource.  Part 2 is a vast resource outlining the 200 plays, providing a clear chart of key characteristics of each text (including age appropriateness information, cast size, gender splits, ability information, extra warnings such as language considerations/adult themes etc.)  Workshop ideas are provided, as well as suggested scenes for study and staging/lighting/set ideas etc.

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ISBN 9781350146624